The reason of my tear ? ー この場に立ち会い、涙が出ない人はきっといないと思います

 今日のFarewell Party(お別れパーティ)、もう私たち教職員が立ちいることははばかられたので、学生たちを残し、そっと教室をあとにしました。かつて何度も、そして合わせて何週間もタマサート大学に来ていますが、学生自治を尊重するタマサート大学の凄さを、ここにきても学ばせていただきました。

 Thammasat program, “Global Industrial Human Resource Development Program” for two weeks almost finished.

 First of all, I am very thankful to many Thammasat teachers who taught Fukui students Thai language and culture, to Mau-san who managed the wonderful program, to Maury-san who took care of 20 Fukui students, not 20, it’s 25, including Fukui teacher me and officers , and to all Thammasat students that participated in this program.

 There are the famous following words in Japan.
“Ameimo Makezu, Kazenimo Makezu” Kenji Miyazawa said.
The meaning is like this. We are not disappointed that it's rain and the heavy wind blows.

 However, in addition, we got into bigger trouble. For example, not only the rain and wind, but also the dreadful of thunder and power failure at Kao-Yai. But, we were able to get over! Fukui students grew!!

 I greatly appreciate all Thammasat repeatedly.

 もうこれ以上は言葉にならないので、Farewell Party の写真を挙げておきます。






